Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2007

Interview between a reporter of a news show on TV and one of the murderers of Vincent Chin

Reporter: Good evening. I have a few questions about the murder you commited last year. Would you please answer them?
Murderer: Good evening. Yes I will of course answer them.
Reporter: OK. My first questions to you is for what reason you killed Vincent.
Murderer: I killed him because I thought he was a Japanese American. At this time a was a racist and I didn't think about what i did.
Reporter: Yes but why did you kill him? You said he was a Japanese American,ok , but was it really a reason to kill him? Why did you hate Japanese Americans?
Murderer: 2 month before the murder i lost my job in a company producing cars because the Japanese had a better standart of technology in creating and improving their cars. So i thought the Japanese are to blame for the job i lost.
Reporter: How did you feel before you killed him?
Murderer: I felt terrible. I lost my job and after losing it I couldn't feed my family. My family left me and I had really nothing. No job, no family, no future. Then Iand the other one who lost his job, too , decided to kill him when we saw him on our way back home from drinking.
Reporter: Oh, now I can understand how you felt. Do you regret your action now?
Murderer: Of course I do. After we murdered him we recognized that he was a Chinese not a Japanese American. We killed without knowing him. His parents lost their son because we we're angry, agressive and drunken.
Reporter: Well thank you for giving answers to my questions. I hope you have learned sth. for your life in the future. Goodbye.
Murderer: No problem. Goodbye.

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