Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2007

Homework : Letter to a friend from a child of a family which was arrested in a camp

Dear ...,

are you alright? I am not, because policemen knocked at our frontdoor and told us to enter their car when we opened. They took my whole family away and put us into a concentration camp. We asked why they did such things to us, but we were only told we were brought to the camp because we are Japanese. So I want to ask you if you're alright because you're Japanese, too, and I hope something like that won't happen to you. You should tell your family about my message and try to escape to a safe place. I don't know what they might do to us in the future, but I think they might perhaps force us to leave the country and go back to Japan. Well, there's nothing left I could tell you, I'm happy that I can write this letter to you, I hope you receive it.

Good luck! Yours sincerely ...

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